Career Preferences
The final section of JobQuiz focuses on specific tasks, activities, people and situations that a person would like (or dislike) about a specific career. In this section, we explore interests and desires that would shape your daily work activities, including specific functions you would enjoy, and those activities that you would very much like to avoid.
One of the challenges of making career recommendations is that people’s interest and desires are so profoundly different. For one person, the opportunity to speak before a crowd of ten thousand would be the highlight of his or her career. For another person, the idea of sitting alone and quietly thinking would be perfection.
This section addresses the specific people with whom you would like to interact. It also evaluates specific activities you’d like to avoid such as having a quota, getting dirty at work, enforcing rules, or feeding others. Of course, we address the opposite as well—those things you most enjoy. For example, analyzing, healing, managing, teaching, writing, researching, or serving others.